Fine end handrails and ladders
Clear windows
Caboose trucks
Machined metal wheels
Body-mounted McHenry® operating scale knuckle couplers
Weighted for optimum performance
Machined metal wheels
Fully-assembled and ready to run
Highly-detailed, injection-molded body
Painted and printed for realistic decoration
Window packaging for easy viewing
Machined metal wheels with RP25 contours operate on all popular brands of track.
Fine end handrails and ladders
Clear windows
Caboose trucks
Machined metal wheels
Body-mounted McHenry® operating scale knuckle couplers
Weighted for optimum performance
Machined metal wheels
Fully-assembled and ready to run
Highly-detailed, injection-molded body
Painted and printed for realistic decoration
Window packaging for easy viewing
Machined metal wheels with RP25 contours operate on all popular brands of track.